Portland Car Keys Locksmith

Car Remote Replacement

Did you lose the only car remote that was in your possession and you are unsure what to do next? Are you in need of a car remote replacement?

A vehicle remote control also known as keyless entry remote is a device that helps you access and secure your vehicle without using your key on the door or trunk locks in most cases. Such feature has been available since the 90’s as select manufacturers opt to make it easier on drivers to access their vehicles as well as making them more secure. Vehicles that are equipped with a keyless entry remote system have an alarm incorporated as well. Depending on the year make and model, a keyless entry remote will control the operation of the locks and sometimes the trunk opening as well. It is best to contact your local locksmith in Portland before having a car remote replacement done.

Even though some car models did not equip all of their models with a keyless entry remote system from the factory, an automotive locksmith in Portland would be able to program an aftermarket unit and conduct car remote replacement most of the times. It is also important to note that many models, even those of the same manufacturer and year, will come in different frequencies. This is an important fact to know when you call Portland Car Keys Locksmith for a keyless entry car remote replacement service.

Car Remote Transmitter

The first keyless entry remote device or remote transmitter was an individual unit that is also known as a “key fob” at times. It is an electronic unit which is a transmitter closed inside of a plastic shell that is normally attached to a key ring along with the car key. It’s function is to send a signal to the vehicle whether it would be to activate the alarm, unlock the vehicle, or even start the car in some cases. Even though many car manufacturers have made the transition during the years to a combine unit of a key and a remote transmitter, there are still many models on the road today that will require keyless entry car remote replacement by a professional automotive locksmith in Portland.   

Locksmith in Portland keyless entry remote replacement

For Questions

Why should you use an automotive locksmith?

When it comes to a keyless entry car remote replacement, we at Portland Car Keys Locksmith has the experience, knowledge and equipment to conduct the service smoothly right on the first try. Although there are some make and model vehicles where the procedure of a keyless entry car remote replacement can be done fairly easily by yourself, other models require special equipment in order to complete the programming successfully. You have the option of going to the dealership in order to have a new keyless entry car remote programmed, however, the price for both the remote and service will be much higher than a local automotive locksmith in Portland. Aside from contacting an automotive locksmith in Portland for the keyless entry car remote replacement service, it is also recommended to get the replacement remote from the locksmith as well. This helps to make sure the right keyless entry remote is used since most come in different frequencies. contact us today to get your keyless entry remote replacement.

Is the original keyless entry remote fob needed?

When looking to have a keyless entry car remote replacement done, initially an existing remote fob is not necessary for the programming process. However, if you do have a working keyless entry remote and you wish to have another one programmed, the existing remote would need to be present for the programming process. Most vehicle models require all remote fobs to be programmed at the same time. This means, that even an existing programmed remote fob would still need to be reprogrammed once a new remote is added to the system. In some instances, the memory of a vehicle’s computer system would need to be cleared in an event of adding a new keyless entry remote fob. It would have to happen because some vehicle manufacturers limit the amount of remotes that can be stored in the vehicle’s computer’s memory. If the memory was already at capacity, no new remote fobs can be added.

Car Remote Replacement Makes and Models





















Portland Car Keys Locksmith