Portland Car Keys Locksmith

Car Key Replacement

Did you lose the only copy of your car key that was in your possession and you are unsure what to do next? Are you in need of a car key replacement?

This type of situation can be remedied in several different ways. The first option would be contacting your local dealership, but depending on the make and model of your vehicle, calling your local automotive locksmith in Portland would be the better option. Dealership would normally be the more expensive option, but very reliable as well. However, going to a locksmith for a car key replacement, would be both cost effective and a reliable option.

Here at Portland Car Keys Locksmith, we provide replacement of all traditional car keys whether they are transponder or not. If you lost your key or just looking to have a backup made, we would be able to make a key without any issues. Although the process is straight forward, there will be times where a code would need to be purchased in order to have the key programmed if the vehicle is equipped with a transponder system.

Standard Car Key

If you own a vehicle that was manufactured in the 70’s, 80’s, or 90’s, it is most likely equipped with a traditional metal key. A traditional metal key is the most basic car key there is. It is fairly cheap to make or duplicate, and it does not consist of any type of security features most of the times. Our car key experts will be able to determine if you are in need of a basic metal key or a type that would need to be programmed. As a customer, you need to make sure to give an accurate information about the make and model of the vehicle.

Basic replacement car key in Portland

Transponder Key

If your vehicle was manufactured in the late 90’s and after, there is a good chance it is equipped with a transponder system requiring a transponder type key. A transponder key has a chip normally inside the plastic head which sends a signal to the vehicle’s computer once inserted into the ignition in order to enable the vehicle to start once verified. These types of keys need to be programmed using special equipment only automotive locksmiths and dealership have. The cost of a transponder key would normally be significantly higher than a traditional basic key because of the transponder feature.  

replacement transponder car key in Portland

Laser Cut Key

Laser cut keys were used mostly on luxury type vehicles in the 90’s, however, more and more vehicles manufacturers started to incorporate that technology in the 2000’s. One of the main reasons for that is the extra layer of security. On top of a transponder system, a laser cut key would be thicker than a traditional key with cuts engraved in the middle of it vs traditional cuts on the side. Such key requires special type of equipment in order to cut it which only dealerships and some automotive locksmiths will have. A laser cut key replacement will be significantly more expensive than a traditional transponder key because of the special cut feature.    

Replacement laser cut car keys in Portland

For Questions

Why should you use an automotive locksmith?

Your best cost effective option would normally be calling your local car key expert automotive locksmith in Portland. Convenience plays a big role as well. When you call Portland Car Keys Locksmith, you can expect same day service and the convenience of having the service performed on the spot on your location. Our locksmith technicians are all mobile, so they will travel to you anywhere you are in the greater Portland metro area. An automotive locksmith is also most likely to have in stock car key replacement blanks for most make and model vehicles on the road today. This includes traditional car keys, transponder car keys, and laser cut car keys. So contact us today to schedule a car key replacement service for your vehicle.

Is the original car key needed?

In most cases the original key to the car is not required. However, in certain situations, if the vehicle is equipped with a transponder system, there are models in which an original key also known as a “master key” is required in order to have a new key programmed. There are ways around it of course if the original or other “master key” is not present, but that may increase the price of the service as well. Additionally, if an original key is not present, a code would need to be either pulled from a cylinder or purchased from a database in order to find the right cuts of the key. both will contribute to additional cost for the customer when it comes to a replacement car key.  

Standard Car Key Replacement Makes and Models





















Portland Car Keys Locksmith